My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The book “Binge”, Lives & Minds of C.W. Männe, by Christopher William Männe and Sir David Michael Robinson, wonderfully edited, is an impressive precious thrilling book about the healing path, the cure and redemption thru the old medicine and the mother earth. Wise words you'll find, how to walk thru the fire and get to forever now, how to be proud of scars and flames. For should we "allow for the (timeless) medicine to provide its mysterious counsel of change". A must read book, with astonishing ilustrations called “grangitas; a book, to drink from it, with love and humanity. (F. Garcin)
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My review on the great book "Binge" from the page "Good Reads" website. Many thanks from Valencia for sending me this wonderful book and for the beautiful cards.
(c) Fernando Garcin, 10th May, 2021.